最近又重新看了之前學的英文諺語,突然又有新領悟,其實有很多都非常實用的,而且又簡單好記,但為什麼自己都沒有運用,很懊惱。明明可以讓自己的文章多一點色彩,卻沒好好利用。也許是因為怕自己用錯,怕出洋相,貽笑大方;又怕別人看不懂,對牛彈了琴, 所以才一直沒用。
今天我領悟了,雖然有點晚了,但 Better late than never!(晚做總比沒做好,來吧!
01 | Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. |
情人眼裡出西施。 | |
Because this can be a subjective experience, it is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 因為這是個主觀經驗,所以人們常說情人眼裡出西施。 |
02 | Fine feathers make fine birds. |
人要衣裝;佛要金裝。漂亮的羽毛造就出一隻漂亮的鳥。 | |
The idiom "Fine feathers make fine birds" represents the social conditions of our times where people are often in a hurry to judge others by what they see. 這個成語[人要衣裝;佛要金裝]說明了我們這個時代的社會狀況,人們常常急於根據自己的所見來判斷他人。 |
03 | Courtesy costs nothing. |
禮多人不怪。禮節不需要花半毛錢。 | |
You don't have to be their best friend, but you could at least say Hi to them - courtesy costs nothing. 您不需要跟他們成為好朋友,但至少向他們打個招呼, 禮多人不怪嘛。 |
04 | Even Homer sometimes nods. |
人非聖賢,孰能無過。就連荷馬也有打瞌睡的時候。 | |
Nothing is perfect, even Homer sometimes nods. 沒有事事完成美的,人非聖賢,孰能無過。 |
05 | A mistake confessed is half redressed. |
知錯能改,善莫大焉。承認錯誤, 就是改正了一半。 | |
People are not perfect, but if you admit that you have done something wrong, you have already begun to correct it, just like the old saying: “A fault confessed is half redressed.” 人並非十全十美,但只要承認自己做錯的事,就已開始改正了,如諺語所說:“知錯能改,善莫大焉”。 |
06 | Love, love my dog. |
愛屋及烏。愛我,也要愛我的狗。 |
My parents love each other, they accept each other exactly the way. It is like "love me, love my dog." 我父母很相愛,他們包容對方的一切,愛屋及烏。
07 |
Like mother, like daughter. Like father, like son. |
有其母必有其女。 有其父必有其子。 |
"My only interest is in making money." B: "Like father, like son, I see." A說:我唯一的興趣就是賺錢。 B說:我懂了,有其父必有其子嘛。 |
08 |
He has eyes in the back of his head. |
神通廣大。他的後腦有長眼睛。 |
It's so busy at our office that you need eyes in the back of your head to work here! 這裡的工作太忙了,只有神通廣大的人才能在這裡工作! |
09 |
The pot calls the kettle black. |
五十步笑百步。鍋子嫌茶壺黑。 |
I can’t believe that you are upset because I was late. That is the pot calling the kettle black. 我不敢相信因為我遲到你就失望,真的是五十步笑百步。 |
to be continued......